• Faculty
  • 安娜Jozwick
  • 安娜Jozwick


    安娜·斯奈德 Jozwick is an 助理教授 of Biological Science in the 自然科学中心 在云顶集团. 她完成了博士学位。.D. in Biology, with a specialization in molecular and microbiology, 2013年在西弗吉尼亚大学毕业. 在她来云顶集团之前,她是个 博士后 Research Microbiologist at the National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture (United State Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service). 在云顶集团, she teaches a broad range of biology and environmental science courses for both majors 和非专业. 她还积极参与科学推广. Jozwick’s research focuses on understanding the genetic basis microbial species interactions with one 另一个和它们的动物宿主. 她的实验室将 classical microbiology with continually evolving molecular techniques to 检查如何 农业-important microbes evolve in response to host defense, human intervention and environmental change. 



    The goal of the Jozwick lab is to examine microbial community interactions and individual bacterial capabilities that can be exploited for use in aquaculture and improved fish health. 目前主要有2个研究重点. 第一种方法是利用斑马鱼, 鲐鱼类, model organism to understand how interactions among bacterial community members contribute to resource partitioning and host health. Jozwick实验室正在鉴定 culturing, and characterizing the bacterial community housed in the skin mucus, as this microbiota has been shown to be important in the growth and resilience of teleost fish. This research endeavor is advanced through independent research experiences, 以及在高级实验课程中. 另一个当前的研究领域 aims to identify and understand factors involved in the communication and virulence of 鼠疫ruckeri一种影响养殖虹鳟鱼的病原体. 这种细菌引起出血性败血症 如果不及时治疗,会导致死亡. While a vaccine is currently in use, disease outbreaks still occur, leaving open the need for alternative control measures. 通过理解 the signals and genetic responses of communication (i.e. 群体感应),我们将学习如何 these processes impact persistence within the environment and the fish host. 


    Wakeman W*, Long A*, Estes AM和 Jozwick部. 2021. 斑马鱼, 鲐鱼类, skin mucus harbors a distinct bacterial community dominated by Actinobacteria. Zebrafish. 18(6): 354-362. doi: 10.1089/zeb.2021.0040

    Lee M and Jozwick部. 2021. 获取化学线索. 国家案例研究教学中心 in Science Case 集合. Accepted.

    Estes AM, Jozwick部, Kerr JE. 2021. Teaching "Crafty Microbiology": Safely Teaching Hands-On Microbiology Skills at Home. 微生物与生物工程学报. 22(1):22.1.48. doi: 10.1128/jmbe.v22i1.2345 All authors equally contributed and were published in alphabetical order.

    • 布兰卡乔-塔拉斯,L., et al. (2021). 编辑对调整的看法 STEM Education to the “New Normal” during the COVID-19 Pandemic.微生物学杂志 Educ. 2021; 22(1): 22.1.65.doi: 10.1128/jmbe.v22i1.2679

    Jozwick部 and Lee M. 2020. 线粒体奥秘. 国家案例研究教学中心 科学案例收集.

    Rio RVM, Jozwick部, Savage AF, Sabet A, Vigneron A, Wu Y, Aksoy S, and Weiss BL. 2019. Mutualist-Provisioned Resources Impact Vector Competency. mBIO. 10: e00018-19. DOI: 10.1128/mBio.00018-19

    Jozwick部, LaPatra SE, Graf J, Welch TJ. 2019. Rcs通路参与调控 of flagella biosynthesis and is required for virulence of the fish pathogen Yersinia ruckeri. 鱼类和贝类免疫学. 91: 306-314. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2019.05.036

    Kicklighter C, Duca S, Jozwick部, Locke H, Hundley C, Hite B, Hannifin G. Grazer deterrence and fungal inhibition by the invasive marsh grass Phragmites australis and the native sedge Bolboschoenus robustus in a mesohaline marsh. Chemoecology. 28(8) DOI: 10.1007/s00049-018-0269-1.

    Jozwick部, Graf J, Welch TJ. 2016. The flagellar master operon flhDC is a pleiotropic regulator involved in motility and virulence of the fish pathogen Yersinia ruckeri. J苹果微生物. 122(3): 578-588. 

    Bachert BA, Choi SJ, Snyder AK, Rio RVM, Durney BC, Holland LA, Amemiya K, Welkos SL, Bozue JA, Cote CK, Berisio R, Lukomski S. 2015. 一套独特的伯克霍尔德菌 Collagen-like Proteins Provides Insight into Pathogenesis, Genome Evolution and Niche 适应和感染检测. PLoS ONE. 10(9): e0137578. 

    Snyder AK, Hinshaw JM, Welch TJ. 2015. 用于检测和量化的诊断工具 of Weissella ceti NC36 infections in rainbow trout. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. doi: 10.1111/lam.12365. 

    Snyder AK, Rio RVM. 2015. Wigglesworthia morsitans Folate (Vitamin B9) Biosynthesis 有助于采采蝇宿主的适应性. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81: 5375-5386.

    国际舌孢菌基因组计划. 2014. 采采蝇基因组序列 (Glossina morsitans): vector of African trypanosomiasis. Science. 344: 380-386. 

    Tuntevski K, Durney BC, Snyder AK, Lasala PR, Nayak AP, Green BJ, Beezhold DH, Rio RV, Holland LA, Lukomski S. 2013. Aspergillus collagen-like (acl) genes: identification, sequence polymorphism and assessment for PCR-based pathogen detection. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 79: 7882-7895. 

    Snyder AK 和Rio RVM. 2013. 采采全息生物的交织生物学. J. Bacteriol. 195: 4322-4330. 

    施耐德AK,麦克莱恩C*, Rio RVM. 2012. 采采蝇专为互惠主义者 Wigglesworthia morsitans alters gene expression and population density via exogenous nutrient provisioning. Appl 环境Microbiol. 78: 7792-7797. 

    Rio RVM, Symula RE, Wang J, Lohs C, Wu Y, Snyder AK, Bjornson RD, Oshima K, Biehl 李永祥,李永祥,李永祥,李永祥. 2012. 深入了解传播生物学和 species-specific functional capabilities of tsetse (Diptera: 舌蝇科) obligate 共生者Wigglesworthia. 生物工程学报3:e00240-11. 

    Snyder AK, Adkins KZ*, Rio RVM. 2011. 使用内部转录间隔段(ITS) regions to examine symbiont divergence and as a diagnostic tool for Sodalis-related bacteria. 昆虫 2:515 - 531. 

    施耐德AK, McMillen CM*, Wallenhorst P*, Rio RVM. 2011. Sodalis-like的系统发育 symbionts as reconstructed using surface-encoding loci. 《 317:143 - 151. 

    Snyder AK, Deberry JW, Runyen-Janecky L, Rio RVM. 2010. 营养供应方便 homeostasis between tsetse fly (Diptera: 舌蝇科) symbionts. 生物工程学报. 277: 2389-97. 



    • Jozwick,.K.S. (2021)学习鱼类病原体的语言. 云顶集团女性科学系 系列讲座.
    • Snyder AK韦尔奇TJ. (2015) Flagella biosynthesis and regulation by the Rcs 鱼类病原体的途径Yersinia ruckeri在感染. Pittsburgh Bacterial Meeting Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA. 
    • Snyder AK韦尔奇TJ. (2014) Regulation of flagella biosynthesis within the fish pathogen,Yersinia ruckeri. ASM阿勒格尼分会年会. 莱康明大学. 威廉斯波特,爸爸. 
    • Snyder AK, Savage AF, Clark BA*, Hewitt RE, Rio RVM. (2012)采采的义务互惠者 (Diptera: 舌蝇科),Wigglesworthia, demonstrates species-specific nutrient provisioning, contributing towards 宿主表型变异. American Society for Microbiology Conference on Beneficial 微生物,圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州.\ 
    • Snyder AK, Rio RVM. (2011)采采蝇独特的基因组特征(Diptera: 舌蝇科)初级共生体可能有助于媒介能力.青年研究员口头报告. American Society for Microbiology Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
    • Snyder AK, McMillen CM*, Rio RVM. (2010) Phylogeny of Recently Diverged Insect Symbionts Based 关于高变基因组区域. 美国微生物学会会议,圣 Diego, CA. 


    • 美国微生物学会会员

      Member, Maryland Branch of the American Society for Microbiology


      Phi Sigma Biology Honorary Society Member (Inducted 2008)   

      Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society (in recognition of academic excellence) (Inducted 2005)